Our mission is to guarantee high quality and safe products for the consumer thanks to our hygienic and sanitary guarantees.
What we offer
A full range of cheeses constantly updating.
Flexibility in products and packaging.
Efficient logistics.
Refrigeration and freezing systems.
Search for product costumized ad hoc.
BRC and IFS certifications.
We look to the future,
to propose a selection of products
in line with market trends and with
the constantly evolving taste of consumers.
At the same time, we remain anchored
to the past because tradition,
ancient processes and our history
are our strong point: in fact,
our products are so good thanks
to our past, as it once was.
The products range of Caseificio Ghidetti is wide and constantly updating.
All our cheeses are produced with 100% fresh Italian milk from selected farms and they are aged directly in the territory of origin, Veneto.
Our selection ranges from classic and traditional cheeses such as Grana Padano DOP, to market innovations like the vegetarian cheese. The goal is to satisfy all palates, even the most demanding with products that are safe, high quality and, simply... delicious!
We are experts in the matter because cheese has always been part of our live.
For this reason we can accompany the customer during all stages: from the selection of producers (in case they were not already produced by our dairy), to the trends research, to the management of logistics and of the storage. We become partners of our client to create a path, together.
We serve from local farms to the most innovative supermarkets, from the food-service branch to the craft one.
Our service is shaped depending on the needs of the customer to be able to meet the agreed targets. Our selection is perfect for any market demand, precisely because it is wide and satisfies different consumers: from the most traditional to the most modern, to the gourmet and those who need a quick and easy to eat meal.
We are chosen for the quality of our products and the safety that we demonstrate in meeting the rigorous food safety processes.
kennel per cow
years of experience
countries with our cheese
generations of dairymen
km between farm and dairy
litres per cow per day
hectares of cultivated ground
cows in lactation
kwh/year of clean energy